
Specializing in short, honest movie reviews.

February 28, 2010

Shutter Island

This movie would be a fantastic psychological thriller except for its near total lack of psychological thrills and general non-fantastic-ness. However, I didn't hate this movie as much as Mary. I got to sit in a theater and eat popcorn and drink soda and watch Leonardo di-what's-his-face run around a spooky island, which is not a bad way to spend a snowy afternoon.

February 27, 2010

When in Rome...

I did not have high hopes for this one going in, but was pleasantly surprised. I liked it! It was funny, and seemed to make fun of itself a bit, which always pleases me. This is the movie I wish stupid Leap Year HAD been (and could've been if they'd tried harder).

I mean, its a Rom-com. You know how it ends. But in-between there were some quality funny bits. Also, Anjelica Houston is awesome.

My only major beef is that Rome looked much cleaner than I expect it would in real life. One day I will actually go there and find out.

Shitter Island

OK, here's my theory on Shutter Island. Leonardo DiCaprio had some Boston accent left over from his role in The Departed and didn't want to waste it, so Martin Scorsese just said "ehh, let's throw it in this crappy screenplay I just got the rights to."

Also, you know how all the film nerds (me included) hated the very last shot in The Departed? When the stupid rat runs along the stupid railing all "GET IT? THIS MOVIE WAS ABOUT A GUY BEING A RAAAAT!"? Well, Marty throws about a hundred thousand rats into a scene in Shutter Island APROPOS OF ABSOLUTELY NOTHING just to say "fuck you, film nerds. You didn't like my one rat? How about these hundred thousand rats? Huh? How you like that?" [wiggling eyebrows]

He also got his hands on a cello and a piano and did all the music himself. HOOOOOOONK! ME AND LEO CAN DO IT ALL OURSELVES! WE DON'T NEED YOU, FILM NERDS! PLINK! PLONK!

Boy, I did not enjoy this movie at all.