
Specializing in short, honest movie reviews.

November 29, 2010

Review of people going to watch the movie "Burlesque"

Here's the deal. When you are standing in line at the movie theater concession stand to purchase snacks, you can reasonably assume that at some point this transaction is going to require you to hand over money. So please tell me why, after standing in an interminably long line while the weakest link behind the counter tries to figure out how to put soda in a cup, you get up to the counter, spend 5 minutes putting in a somehow complicated order for coke and popcorn, and then have to spend an additional 5 minutes searching for your wallet. Did you think that your order would coincide with that long-anticipated moment in human history when everything would suddenly become free? Were you going to barter for it? Were you maybe just going to flash your boobies and then run away? I don't understand why you were caught so off-guard when Ear Spool Guy told you that you owed him money. "What? I owe you 9.75? Well, I never. Here, let me spend a really fucking annoying long time looking through my giant Mary Poppins purse looking for this alleged money that you so surprisingly asked for."

In conclusion, this story symbolizes everything that is wrong with America.

Rocky's commentary on the above situation: How do you know they were going to watch Burlesque?
Jen's response: How do you know I'm not going to punch you in the face?

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