
Specializing in short, honest movie reviews.

December 3, 2012

Twilight: THE END

The Twilight films always make me squirm awkwardly in my seat, and the final chapter was no exception.  I was less squirmy than with the first Breaking Dawn movie (seriuosly, the end of that one...yikes), but this one had its share of awkward moments and horrible acting. 

I have to give credit where its due though, and admit that I was TOTALLY HAD by the ending, and am deeply shamed about it.

Favorite friend quote during the film goes to Margo, who commented as Bella and Edward entered their fairy tale cottage: "I think they need more lamps."  (Seriously, someone go count the lamps/light fixtures in that place.  IT IS CRAZY.)

All in all, this film actually wasn't terrible, though I suspect that my indifference to it has more to do with the fun I had seeing it with my friends than anything having to do with the movie itself.

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