December 26, 2008
The Curious Case of Benjamin's Butthole (Abridged)
Old Daisy: I am dying or whatever. Daughter, read Benjamin Button's diary out loud to me.
Daughter: OK.
Benjamin: I am a digital old man/child! I age backwards!
Young Daisy: I am an insufferable twat!
Tugboat Captain: I am totally fucking awesome! Oh no, now I'm dead!
Benjamin: I now look like a creepy college professor. I don't talk much and am pretty boring.
Tilda Swinton: I have no eyebrows. Your boringness intrigues me.
[sex break!]
Benjamin: I am now considerably younger, and much, much more boring. I love you, Daisy.
Young Daisy: I'm slightly less annoying than before, but not much. I love you, Benjamin.
[sex break!]
Young Daisy: I'm pregnant! I fell down the stairs, but the baby came out okay! It's a girl!
Daughter: What the fuck?
Old Daisy: Oh yeah, this weird backward-aging guy was your dad. I could have just told you here on my deathbed, but I thought it would be funnier to make you read it out loud.
[Old Daisy DIES.]
December 5, 2008
Short Movie Review: Quantum of Solace
I had one major problem with this movie: NOT ENOUGH NUDITY.
December 3, 2008
November 30, 2008
CC: Bolt (in THREE DEE!)
~Super cute. I think I "aww'd" myself through most of the movie.
~I laughed a lot...mostly due to the hamster, Rhino ("Stealth mode!")
~Miley Cyrus wasn't as painful as expected.
~I was glad that the dog realized fairly quickly that he didn't have super powers and accepted it. It would have annoyed me if it had dragged on and on as a gag.
Sour Patch Kids:
~I had been hoping the 3D would all crazy like it is in the Disney parks, but alas, it wasn't.
I don't have a lot to say here, but I definitely enjoyed this movie (as expected). I'd rank it above WALL-E, but below Kung Fu Panda :P
November 29, 2008
Another short movie review: Bolt
November 27, 2008
CC: Twilight.
1) I hate Kristin Stewart. I'm sorry, but everything I've ever seen her in is EXACTLY THE SAME. Also, she can't smile. In every single premiere photo I've seen, she's either not smiling or grimacing. Ugh.
2) Though I like Twilight, let me be perfectly clear in saying that I don't think its the best love story ever, or best set of books ever. I liked it, it entertained me, but that's about it. I think Stephenie Meyer could have done better.
Moving on!
Good and Plenty
~Robert Pattinson. That boy is hot. And he actually acts (unlike his charming co-star).
~The actors that played the Cullens (Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed). They were all awesome.
~ Cam Gigandet (who played James, the bad guy). Awesome sauce!
~ The glittering scene didn't suck as much as it could have. I was pleasantly surprised.
~ The ballet studio fight scene rocks! I actually wish it had been longer.
~ Billy Burke (who plays Charlie). He's was a very very awesome surprise...possibly my favorite part of the movie (which is saying something over R. Pats)
Sour Patch Kids
~ We didn't see nearly enough of the Cullens. Which sucks, because I loved the actors.
~ Kristen Stewart can't act her way out of a paper bag. SHOW EMOTION.
~ There were several instances where I was inwardly wincing at some of the dialogue--I don't think it was the words themselves, but how the actors were saying them.
~ I wish they had kept the scene where she finds out he's a vampire the same from the book. While less intense and scary, it creates a bonding moment for Bella and Edward that I thought was lacking.
~ I did not see/feel the chemistry between Robert and Kristen that everyone kept talking about...and I totally blame Kristen.
November 23, 2008
Role Models
And I watched Wet Hot American Summer again last night for the first time in years, which reminded me that Paul Rudd is really awesome in it. He flips someone off in pretty much every scene. Go rent it now!
So Role Models is pretty funny, except for the very last part when Paul Rudd sings a horrible unfunny song. You should leave at that point.
November 11, 2008
CC: Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
Good and Plenty:
~I love Kevin Smith.
~I laughed quite heartily at many moments in this film.
~The sex didn't make me feel that a good thing or a bad thing?
~I have some sort of weird, secret, disturbing crush on Jason Mewes, even though I actually don't really find him that attractive. I just don't know.
~Justin Long was seriously awesome.
~The supporting cast was also awesome.
Sour Patch Kids:
~Rom com! I like Rom Coms, but I was not expecting this to be one. I mean...look at the title!
~Parts of it seemed to drag...did they REALLY have to go to their HS reunion? Couldn't they have just run into Justin Long someplace else? You know?
~The "six months later" thing. Zzzzz.
Hm...well, since I have more "pros" listed, I guess that means I liked it! ;D
October 28, 2008
Short Review of The Duchess
Oh yes, poor Duchess of Devonshire, I feel terribly bad for your incredibly pained life. Made possible, by the way, by legions of maids, servants, and various other peons who spent their lives toiling in abject, desperate poverty so you could have fancy clothes, gourmet feasts, shiny carriage horses, clean bedpans, and every other thing under the sun while you never lifted a goddamn finger. It was so hard to be you.
P.S. Don't bother waiting for the blooper reel.
October 24, 2008
CC: The Duchess
~Very well acted. I appreciated that I actually saw Keira's character as very different from her other period piece characters. Ralph Fiennes was awesome, as always--I felt an interesting mixture of detest and sympathy for his character.
~Costumes are awesome, as expected.
~The music was purdy! Which is more than I can say for a lot of movies (I'm looking at you, Appaloosa).
~WAY BETTER than Marie Antoinette, which takes place in a similar time period. Possibly because I like Keira Knightley better than Kirsten Dunst. And also because whatsherface wasn't directing this one and adding weird ass music and shit. Still no beheadings, though...
~The guy that played Keira's love interest (Dominic Cooper--thanks IMDB!) was strangely cute. Also, his character is totally the namesake for Earl Grey tea (thanks, Wikipedia!). So that's awesome. OH! and Keira and Ralph were Devonshire! Coincidence? (I am now craving cream tea--thanks, movie.)
Sour Patch Kids:
~This movie was kinda sad, but I have to admit that due to certain hormonal factors I was probably more emotional about it than I would have been otherwise. Do not see this if you want to be in a joyful mood afterward.
Overall, I liked it ;) It wasn't slow and plodding like some historical dramas tend to be.
October 6, 2008
How to Ruin a Seemingly Unruinable Movie
Use the score from City Slickers.
And try to make it half rom-com.
Fuck you, Appaloosa.
CC: Appaloosa
Good & Plenty:
~Viggo! Despite his mustache.
~The part where Renee's character asked Ed Harris' character, "You trust him more than me?" and he said "Yes," and then it cut to the next scene.
Sour Patch Kids:
~What happened to Renee Zellweger's face? I'm aware that she almost always looks squinty and pouty, but it looked...PLASTIC. Bad makeup? Bad lift? Who knows.
~The plot was dumb. About half way through the bad guy was on trial and I was like, "That's it?" It wasn't, unfortunately. I think it would have been better to have had Jeremy Irons thwarting Viggo and Ed Harris and finally getting his come-up-ins in the end.
~Stupid Renee Zellweger.
~I did not understand the point of half the plot devices.
For a movie starring Viggo Mortensen, and a Western, this sucked. BOO HISS.
October 5, 2008
Things I remember liking about this movie:
~The dialogue
~The twists and turns!
~The CIA guys
~Brad Pitt (and his character)
~George Clooney (but not his character).
Things I remember not liking about this movie:
~All the (SPOILER ALERT) unnecessary death!
~With the exception of Brad Pitt's character, pretty much everyone is a big fat jerk.
October 3, 2008
Ghost Town
August 19, 2008
August 17, 2008
Concession Confession: TROPIC THUNDER
~Is it just me, or is Robert Downey Jr. fucking awesome?
~Usually Ben Stiller annoys me, but he didn't in this movie!
~Tom Cruise. I can't believe I just wrote that. But I'm completely serious.
~Matthew McConaughey also didn't annoy me! A MIRACLE.
~This movie totally made fun of itself, and Hollywood, and I love that.
~I was torn whether to put this here, or below, but the whole scene with the SPOILER ALERT head and "it's just blood flavored corn-syrup!" made me SQUIRM and slightly nauseas. Which I've decided it was probably meant to do. So kudos!
~Excellent cast ;D My brother and I highly enjoyed ourselves.
Sour Patch Kids:
~I loved the "trailers" at the beginning, but I don't think they should have led off with the rap "I like Pussy" song, because I was like "What the sweet holy hell is happening?" and my brother had to tell me, "It's the movie!"
~Ben Stiller may not have annoyed me, but he only ever plays two different characters in ALL his movies: the dumb, ego-centric guy or the sensitive guy. And he never really plays either WELL.
July 22, 2008
Mamma Mia!
Despite the fact that it is a conglomeration of the aforementioned three things that I don't like, there were some fun and funny moments. These were completely overwhelmed by the astoundingly horrific thing that is Pierce Brosnan in a musical. It's hard to explain in words the pain of watching him lip sync his role. When you were little, did you ever walk in on your parents doin' it? Do you remember the burning in your eyes, the way your face wrinkled in revulsion, and the way your legs and arms churned like a cartoon character as they were unable to carry you away fast enough? That's what it was like.
Et tu, Colin Firth?
July 21, 2008
The Mamma Mia Curse
Concession Confession: THE DARK KNIGHT
~Christian Bale. Except, does he lisp? Sometimes it sounded like Batman had a lisp. That doesn't make me love him any less, but just sayin'.
~Okay, yes, Heath Ledger is awesome. creepy did Harvey Dent turn out to be? HOLY CRAP.
~On a similar vein, how creepy was his Two-Face make-up? HOLY CRAP.
~Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are equal parts of awesome.
~I adore that Cillian Murphy had a brief appearance as the Scarecrow <3
Sour Patch Kids:
~There were at least three moments where I thought the movie was going to end and then it didn't. And then I was like, "Is this movie ever going to end??"
~SPOILER ALERT, they totally kill off Maggie Gyllenhaal's character. Which sucks, cause I like her way better than Katie Holmes.
Overall: A! I liked it quite a bit, except for the never ending ending.
July 9, 2008
Concession Confession: HANCOCK
~The first half is fantasic.
~Jason Bateman. I sort of love him.
Sour Patch Kids:
~There is no explanation for where the superheroes are getting their powers.
~Charlize Theron annoyed me. I don't have a specific reason. Maybe she was trying to be too dramatic?
~All the good parts are in the trailer. You're welcome.
GRADE: C-. Eh. One of those movies that could have been (and should have been) awesome, but someone got lazy.
Concession Confession: WALL-E
~Wall-E is SUPER CUTE.
~I was very happy that the humans weren't evil. Just really obese and lazy.
~The little short that played before this was AWESOME. Is there a place where you can buy all the little Pixar shorts? Cause they're rad.
Sour Patch Kids:
~I felt kind awkward watching the part where Eve is all frozen up and Wall-E is taking her around with him everywhere. However, this apparently, this didn't ook HER out later when she watched it via her own security camera.
~I had the sense there was a blaring: TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET message, which: OKAY ALREADY LAY OFF.
GRADE: B+ I liked Kung Fu Panda better, which is a lot coming from a Disney freak. This is really cute though ;)
Concession Confession: WANTED
Moving along: WANTED (AKA: "Mr. Tumnus Bends Bullets" as per Lady Blogpants.)
Good and Plenty:
~Good action and special effects.
~Good humor at appropriate moments.
~Morgan Freeman.
~James McAvoy.
~Bullets that bend in midair!
~A fantastic scene where Mr. Tumnus is sucked into a car. ITS FABULOUS.
~I totally saw this movie in the best theater ever, which increased my adoration of it.
Sour Patch Kids:
~Angelina Jolie is too damn skinny. Well, in this movie anyway. Not right NOW, being all full of twins.
~James McAvoy did a pretty good job with an American accent, but I heard it slip a couple of times.
~"The Loom of Fate." I shit you not.
~While the idea behind this movie is new and interesting, they kind half-assed it near the end.
GRADE: A-. I was very entertained, and quite enjoyed myself.
July 7, 2008
June 25, 2008
Concession Confession: THE INCREDIBLE HULK
Good and Plenty:
~This version sucked less than the one with Eric Bana.
~The gentleman who played the bad guy, Tim Roth, was definitely creepy enough. Yowsa.
~The first five minutes (during the credits). This played very comic booky to me, which I liked. And there was no dialog. Coincidence?
~The last two minutes.
Sour Patch Kids:
~What the crap was up with Liv Tyler's upper lip? It looked weird. It bothered me the whole freaking movie. In fact, Liv Tyler bothered me in general, and usually I can stand her. I didn't even mind her in LOTR (which I realize may make me a traitor to my nerd brethren, but whatever).
~I did not need to see skinny Edward Norton (despite my like of him) naked, curled up in a fetal position, in a shower. DO NOT WANT.
~I was pretty sure my ears would be bleeding when I left the theater (amazingly, they were not, but I'm now partially deaf). The amount of noise (in the form of Hulk yelling retardedly, explosions, and a retarded sonar related scene) in this movie was obnoxious to say the least. Ugh.
~I prefer my superheroes, when they're leaping about buildings, to not DESTROY them as they go.
~"Do you want me to walk you to the bus stop?" Need I say more? I liked Lady Blogpants' response in the theater: "Oh, that's going to go well."
~I think Lady Blogpants also summoned it up when she compared the Hulk to a kid. But really, when are men not like kids? (I WENT THERE).
June 23, 2008
Short Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk
June 21, 2008
The Incredible Hulk
June 18, 2008
Short Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
June 8, 2008
Concession Confession: KUNG FU PANDA
If you hadn't already guessed ("Cinemarella" is a big clue), I'm a big fan of animated features, Disney or not (though, I have a giant soft spot for anything Disney, of course, as I sold them my soul when I went to work for them awhile back). That being said, my reviews of said movies might be slightly bias. Ahem.
Good and Plenty:
~The opening of this movie is fabulous, and my brother and I were hooked from the start. We were "blinded by awesomeness," as it were.
~Great voice characterization and computer animation.
~HILARIOUS. Enough silly jokes to entertain the kiddies, but also some jokes that are a little more grown up. Best part? There weren't any fart jokes! Zomg.
~I think that even if you don't like Jack Black, or any of his other movies, you'll like this one. He does a cute job as the panda, yet you totally know its him, because he says things like, "Skadoosh!"
~Cute plot, and as far as an animated feature moral goes, a nice one.
~My favorite scene is totally the acupuncture scene. This movie wins simply for this scene and both Jack Black and Seth Rogan's participation in it.
Sour Patch Kids:
When I left the theater last night, I literally couldn't think of anything to put here. Since I've had some time to think about it a little, I've come up with two things:
~I couldn't figure out what the hell type of animal Shifu (the Kung Fu teacher) was. Google tells me he was a "red panda," which? PRECIOUS.
~I was puzzled near the beginning that the Tiger, called Tigress (dar), didn't look particularly feminine, yet had a feminine name. Until she spoke and I realized it was totally Angelina Jolie.
June 4, 2008
Sex and the City: This one's MULTIMEDIA!
Once when I realized Chris Noth



Also: for a movie by, for, and about gay guys, this movie sure doesn't have many good-looking men in it. It in fact only has one. Most of the porking/necking scenes were pretty grim and during one of them I realized I had my face all squished up like a 7-year-old boy who'd rather kiss his baseball mitt than some stinky girl. This movie kind of made me want to never have sex again.
I wish I had Photoshop on this computer so I could put a wig on that turkey leg.
June 3, 2008
Wherein I review the movie Ironman
On a sadder note, I was depressed by a world in which The Dude is a two-faced traitor. Who's abiding now, Dude?
Random movie rant.
There are many many things wrong with this, in my humble opinion. First, it ALWAYS annoys me when the original actors don't return to play their characters, unless its something like they've aged (i.e. Alex O'Connell, Evy and Rick's son, is played by a different (and older) actor in the new movie, obviously), or the new person rocks the house (which almost never happens). Plus, it annoys me when they don't come back for the reason(s) Rachel isn't coming back which are "artistic differences" and/or "disagreements with the script." Thanks, Rachel. Now the character bunches of us have been attached to since the original movie is being played by a twat (more on that in a second), all because you want to be artsy fartsy.
Secondly, Maria Bello is AMERICAN, which means she'll be faking (probably poorly) an English accent, which never goes well. I didn't really give a crud about Maria in general, having not really seen her in any movies except Coyote Ugly (hee), until my discovery upon reading imdb and wikipedia regarding the movie today, and Maria's portrayal of Evelyn in particular:
"Maria Bello signed a contract to do the next 3 Mummy movies. It has also been stated by Maria Bello that her version of Evelyn is different than Rachel Weisz's incarnation."
Wait...what? Its the same character! What does that even mean? Ugh. So my hopes for the new Mummy movie (due out in August, according to IMDB) have fallen. I don't know if Brendan Fraser and Jet Li can save it (though, I might see it anyway, cause the new kid who plays Alex, Luke Ford, is kinda pretty--though also not English, but Australian. /sigh).
May 28, 2008
CC: Indiana Jones
Could this movie have a longer title? Yeesh. Anyway...
Good and Plenty:
--I was worried that Harrison Ford would be old and not remotely Indiana Jones-like, yet somehow he was. Yay!
--I have a strange crush on Shia Labeof. So sue me.
--Good humor, good action.
Sour Patch Kids:
--I agree with Lady Blogpants, the monkeys were dumb.
--Indiana Jones now propagates another archaeological stereotype: the aliens did it! (I realize this is actually a real theory, but yeesh).
--There wasn't as much "mystery solving" as in previous movies, which I kinda missed.
Don't let me fool you---I liked the damn movie. George Lucas is still an ass, though.
May 26, 2008
Ironman? YES PLEASE.
May 23, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Superfluous CGI Creatures of Doom
Fuck you and your incessant fucking need to cram your films with stupid little "cute" CGI creatures making stupid little "cute" noises. Fuck. You. What do CGI gophers and monkeys have to do with the storyline of the new Indiana Jones movie? The answer is nothing. NOTHING. NOT A THING. They serve no purpose but making me angry. I hate you, George Lucas.
As for the rest of the movie? Honestly, as long as the Indiana Jones music is playing, you could show me 2 hours of Indy having a tea party with his stuffed animals and I'd walk away more happy than not.
Of course, Lucas would probably insist that the stuffed animals be CGI and make cute little noises the whole time.
I hate you, George Lucas.
Lady Blogpants of Renotowne
(a certified movie reviewer)
P.S. Aliens? Are you fucking kidding me? You had 19 years to come up with a plotline and all you could do was dust off Close Encounters and add a heavy dose of the Endor scenes from Return of the Jedi? Booooooo! Go back to Modesto!
May 19, 2008
Concession Confession: The Inside Scoop on PRINCE CASPIAN
Good and Plenty:
--The scene where they sneak into the castle is awesome: good special effects, nice mixture of humor (at the beginning anyway) and action. The end of this sequence would have made me cry if I hadn’t been with people I didn’t know very well.
--Sergio Castellitto, the actor who played Miraz (the villain), was awesome.
--I heart both Tilda Swinton and Liam Niesson, so this movie gets extra points simply for having both of them in it. Again.
--Peter Dinklage, who played the dwarf Trumpkin, was also awesome. Excellent casting there ;)
--Prince Caspian was hot (even though I hated his hair…see below).
Sour Patch Kids:
--Moody!Peter. Ugh.
--Susan annoyed me for some reason. Possibly because she too was moody. Did everyone besides Edmund and Lucy have PMS in this movie, or what?
--Prince Caspian’s hair. Apparently he had extensions, but it looks like a really bad wig to me. Just saying.
--Peter’s grunting during the fight scenes. He made the same noise everytime…did they not get enough recorded and have to loop it or something? Yeesh.
Concession Confession: The Inside Scoop on IRONMAN
Good and Plenty:
--Excellent special effects.
--The plot wasn’t horribly weak, as it can sometimes be in this kind of movie. Which doesn’t make me love them any less, by the way.
--Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t have a fake English accent (I actually secretly love Gwen, don’t let me fool you).
--Awesome opening bit.
--I sort of love Robert Downey Jr., possibly because when I was a wee lass I loved that stupid movie with him and Melissa Tomei (Only You).
--The robots weren’t stupid like they are in Star Wars (I’m still bitter, George Lucas, still bitter).
Sour Patch Kids:
--The hero, Tony Stark, is pretty much a douche-bag the entire film (I’m sort of torn over whether or not I think this was actually a bad thing.)
--My dad told me to wait for the thing after the credits, and I did, and had no idea what was going on. So if you’re not into comic books, or don’t know anything about Ironman (like moi), don’t bother.
Concession Confession: The Inside Scoop on BABY MAMA
Good and Plenty:
--I love both Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. And together they are awesome!
--I have some sort of strange crush on Greg Kinnear that I cannot explain.
--Steve Martin.
Sour Patch Kids:
--There were several moments when I found myself thinking, “They could have cut that out and made this movie a million times shorter.”
--To quote Lady Blogpants, “Parts of it were formulaic.”
--The ending is totally obvious.
May 12, 2008
Am I doing this right?
Let's see. I really liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Maybe it's just because I'm a sucker for anyone in any way associated with "Undeclared" ("Undeclared"? More like "Underrated"! Hooo! You with me? Because it was a good show that didn't get the recognition it deserved? Yes! Bap!). But actually I think the movie was funny, and not in a trying-too-hard Superbad kind of way. Seth Rogen, you are no Jason Segel. Writing-wise. Otherwise I bet you're pretty much the same guy.
And today I saw Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, which caused me to escape to slumberland.
May 11, 2008
Credit post!